Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello from the 'burgh!

Now that things have slowed down, I thought I would update our blog. There really isn't a whole lot to tell. Neither Jon or I have jobs just yet. He has applied at Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and Target so far. He is looking more for seasonal work until he starts school.

I, on the other hand, actually have to find a REAL job. Cashiering won't cut it this time around. I gotta make a little more now that I'm the one making the real money until Jon is finished with school. This arrangement is fine by me, but it takes a little longer to actually get a job since you have to interview, etc. I'm excited to see what job I get!! I'm open to anything.

We have been busy unpacking boxes, repacking boxes, and shuffling boxes around. We have called storage places for prices but we have not decided on a place just yet. We want to find out how long it will take Jon to finish school before we sign a lease. We should know that by the end of this month. For now, the garage is our storage unit.

We are adjusting nicely. We are both bored with lack of jobs, but hopefully that will change soon! If you are in the Pittsburgh area, stop by and say HI!!

That's all for now!


1 comment:

Brian and Beth Ponstein said...

Thanks for the book! I laughed so hard when I opened it up. :) I had actually taken a different guinea pig book out from the library the same day I got the package. Thanks for thinking of me. How are things for you folks? Coming this way soon? Will you be around for Thanksgiving or Christmas? Brian and I will probably be in GR/Hudsonville for a week at Christmas and we would love to be able to see you folks. Hope all is well and we continue to pray for you!