Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Just a few minutes ago I was checking Facebook and noticed that a number of people I know are pregnant; some with their first others with number two or four. It's amusing how pregnancies go in waves. When I was pregnant, there were a number of my friends that were also pregnant. Then it sort of tapered off and now there are a number again. It sorta makes me want to have another right now, but that's a rather stupid idea at the moment. First of all, I'm loving my time with just Julianna and don't want to have to share my attention and love at the moment. Second, we are still living with my parents and Jon is still in school. Financially, not smart at all! So, we will be waiting for number two for a little while. I'll just enjoy all my friends babies and my new niece or nephew when they are born.

However, on a sadder note, a friend of mine from high school lost her little baby girl at 28 weeks. I can not imagine what she and her husband are going through right now. It was their first too. =(

Well Congrats to all who are pregnant! Especially those who are pregnant with their firsts!! Babies are so wonderful!

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