Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Spring!

I apologize for the lack of posts. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. I'm not really sure where to begin, so I guess I will start with Easter.

All of us headed to Michigan for a quick Easter visit. We had a great time shopping at Goodwill, eating out, and seeing friends. The trip made us very homesick for Michigan. Thank goodness we are returning in June and again in August!

Jon is finish up his spring semester at RMU. He has one more to go. He's picked his classes and everything worked out so he will be finished in December. I never thought the day would come! It seemed liked such a long time when we were discussing his schooling, but it really has gone quickly. Jon will start applying and interviewing for jobs in September when most of the firms will visit RMU, however, if he finds a job he is interested in before then, he'll apply as well. It sounds like, though, that if he goes with a big four, he might not start until the following October, which to me sounds horrible, but the reason they do that is so you have time to study and take parts of the CPA exam, so it's not a bad trade off really. Jon does need time to do that. In terms of his summer break, still no internship and no job. Mind you, he hasn't really been looking for a job yet, but like I tell him Target is always an option. I'm looking forward to him having a job this summer so he can help out with school expenses, but really he needs a job or he'll go crazy with board um. If you know Jon, you know he can't sit and relax, he must be doing something at all times until it's dark outside. =)

Julianna is doing well. She now has her two bottom teeth. They are not fully in, but you can see them when she smiles, which she does a lot. She's getting so big! I can't believe she will be one years old in two months. Time sure does fly by! She's eating more food, which she enjoys a lot. She isn't crawling or walking yet, but that works for us. She loves, loves, loves to stand, so we aren't so sure she will crawl. She may just start to walk some day. Who knows! She's such a little peanut and she has such a personality! She's also very much a mommies girl. So no complaints there!

I'm still working full time. We got a new supervisor like two months ago, and as of next week, he won't be our supervisor any longer. YAHOO! He was horrible. Now we are all anxiously awaiting to see who the new supervisor will be. So needless to say, the job has been stressful lately. Otherwise, that's pretty much all I do these days, work and hang out with Julianna and sometimes Jon when our schedules don't conflict. Really, I only spend 2 days a week with Jon. I do see him when he returns from school but at the most that's 2 hours. When I return home, he's usually sleeping. Oh well, we are almost finished with these crazy schedules!

No news from my brother. I'm guessing he will be leaving any day now, but it's the army and things change constantly. Once David leaves for Afghanistan, he will be gone for 12 to 15 months. Hopefully his tour is uneventful and his unit returns home safe and sound. Kelly, David's wife, just took a job at one of the local hospitals, so luckily she will be busy while he is gone. We all hope the next year goes quickly for everyone.

Okay, I think everyone is caught up on what is going on with us. I will try to be better about posting, but life is pretty routine around here and that gets boring to read about all the time. I will try to post some pictures of the peanut when I get a chance! Happy Spring! MUCH LOVE!

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