Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Jobs and a Soldier

What a week! And it's only Tuesday!

Jon has four interviews this week. He had one yesterday and has three more to go. All are positions in the Pittsburgh area and two are with big four firms!! Go Jon! Praying and keeping our fingers crossed that a job offer might follow at least one of these interviews!

In other news, my brother is home!!!! He returned yesterday for his two week R&R. We hope to see him soon, but we are waiting on them to tell us when to come. We talked with David yesterday and he sounded great and thrilled to be home. I spoke with Kelly later that night and she said Dave was sleeping most of the day. Turns out he hadn't slept the past four days, so he's catching up. Poor guy! Anyway, I'm so glad he is home safe for the next two weeks and that Kelly gets to spend time with him before he leaves for another 6-ish months.

Like I said, what a week!

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