Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jobs and Visitors

Now that things have finally slowed down and all details have been figured out, I can finally sit down and write a post of all that has happened in the past couple of weeks.

Towards the end of March, at work, I was pulled to another house within the company I was working for. This happens once in a while when houses are short staffed and typically it’s not big deal. Well the house I happened to be pulled to was an hour from my house. Now that’s a problem. To top it off, this was not going to be a one-day pull; I was been pulled for 3 shifts a week! When I received the call from my supervisor about going to that house, I told him no. I explained that financially that was not feasible for me. I lost an hour of work because I could not get there until 4pm, I had to take part of the turnpike to get there, and I had to drive the truck, so now I’m putting a tank of gas in the truck every week instead of every 3 weeks. My supervisor didn’t care. He told me that they were desperate because they only had 2 full time staff at the house because everyone else had been suspended. GREAT!

So I went, but not quietly. The next day I called the unit director to speak with him about reimbursing me my hour of lost work, my turnpike tolls and my mileage, ya know, since I was “helping them out.” Figured they could help me out. Well wouldn’t you know, his answer was no. Why? Because that would be like paying me to come to work. Okay, mister unit director, let’s think about this: if I add up that what I lose in tolls, gas, and work hours…IM PAYING YOU TO GO TO WORK! Nope, no way! Not happening!

That day I applied for multiple jobs with different companies in the area. The jobs were still in the direct care field, but at nursing and assisted living facilities since taking care of seniors is really where my heart is, not with the MR/MH population.

That Sunday, I had an interview with Sunrise Senior Living at their memory loss facility. I was so excited! It sounded like the perfect job for me. On the day of interview, I was so incredibly calm. I wasn’t nervous at all, unlike other interviews I’ve had in the past. At the end of my interview, I had the job! Talk about a God thing! We had prayed for a change to come a long so I could leave the crazy company I was working for and a great job came along, along with another interview with another company. Between the two companies, I decided to take the Sunrise job. I just had a better feeling about the job and the facility and I hope it’s a great fit. Tomorrow is my first day of training, so we shall see.

I gave my employer my one week notice, and whatdaya know, not one person in management asked my why I was leaving or where I was going! That’s okay though, they wouldn’t want to hear what I had to say to them.

So tomorrow starts a new chapter of my life. Hopefully something great job wise will happen for Jon pretty soon!

So that’s the job side of things, but during all this, we had some visitors. Jon’s parents came to visit the Sunday I had my interview actually. They came for the night to see Julianna and play some cards with Jon and I. It was a short trip, but it was nice seeing them. We also managed to get some Goodwill shopping in and a trip to Five Guys.

The weekend after, Jill, Kevin, and Bryce came to visit. It was great hanging out with them and seeing Bryce and Julianna interact. On Friday, we went and visited the Carnegie Science Center. Bryce really seemed to enjoy it and Julianna enjoyed the exhibits that had water. On Saturday we went to the zoo. That was a lot of fun! Both kids seemed to really enjoy the animals and I know the adults had a good time too. That night we got pizza for dinner and hung out. It was great seeing them! Hopefully they can come and visit again some time!

Well I think that catches everyone up on our lives right now. Looking forward to seeing what the rest of this year holds for our family. We continue to pray that Jon will get a job soon and that my brother will return safely from Afghanistan. Until then, MUCH LOVE!

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