Friday, February 17, 2012

Life Lesson #1435

Today I was reminded why home ownership can be so frustrating! Jon woke me up this morning to inform me that our furnace was leaking oil and that I would need to call someone to come out and fix it. It was 7am, what a great way to start the day. So I called the people who serviced the unit before and they sent someone out. While I was waiting for the guys to arrive, I went down to the basement to survey the damage myself. This was no small leak, it was pouring oil out of the filter when the furnace turned on. Jon had put a bucket under the filter so at least we were now catching the oil, but there was a large puddle of it all over the floor and the whole basement smelled of oil. Ugh! Well the guy arrived, took the filter apart and immediately new the issue. We needed to replace the entire thing. Wonderful! So a couple hundred dollars later and the furnace is up and running again. Let's just say, I'm tired of handing out money to replace parts because the house sat empty for so long before we purchased it. Learning experience is what we could call this. Probably should have made the sellers call out service men to check over everything before we closed so they would have been paying for all this. Lesson learned.

Since we are so into paying for service men, I guess we might as well call the septic guy and get the tank located and pumped because who knows what else might be wrong and we have no idea when it was last pumped. Hopefully after that we are finished with major repairs. Oy!

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