Sunday, November 30, 2008

BIG News!!

So Jon and I have some BIG NEWS to share with you all!!

We are expecting our first child in June. We were waiting to announce it to everyone until Jon and I had the opportunity to tell his parents in person. I am very excited about this baby. Jon is adjusting. The news of me being pregnant was a BIG surprise to both of us, but it has taken Jon a little longer to get used to the idea that he is going to be a father.

These next 6 months are going to be super busy getting ready for the baby, Jon starting school, and trying to hold down two jobs up until the very end. I will keep you all posted on how all those things go.

Jon's mom bought me a few baby things this weekend which was exciting. We are still trying to decide on what we will need for baby, but it's fun trying to decide.

Well that's all the news we have for now!! MUCH LOVE!!


Whitney said...

Congratulations and Best Wishes!

Brian and Beth Ponstein said...

WOW!! I just yelled really loud when I read this. :) Brian couldn't figure out what was going on. We're very happy for you guys (& happy we're not the first ones! ;)). You win the prize (although I'm not sure what it is). We'll be praying for you with all the changes that will be happening for you guys in the next months and hope that all goes well. We can't wait to see you the 21st!