Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Car Accident

Today has been a very stressful day!

My mom and my grandfather were on their way to work in Ohio when they were in a pretty serious car accident.

My mom called at 8:30 this morning to tell my dad they had been in a car accident. At 9:30 she called again, from the ambulance to tell us what hospital she and my grandfather were headed to in Ohio. All we knew from her at this point was that she was okay, she sounded VERY shaky on the phone though, she had been sitting in the back seat when the accident happened and thank goodness she had her seat belt on. She said that Grandpa had been driving and he hit is face off the steering wheel and was bleeding pretty good, but he was alert. So dad packed up some stuff to be able to stay over night, called Grandma and headed out to pick her up and head to Ohio.

At this point, we didn't know much. Dad called us later in the afternoon to fill us in on what was going on.

My mom was okay, she was just incredibly sore from where the seat belt had restrained her and her elbow was scraped up. She was able to get up and move around which was good. They did a CAT scan and they found nothing wrong. However, they decided they wanted to keep her over night for observation because internal bruising can appear later on in a trauma like this. She should be released tomorrow. Praise God! Her seat belt saved her life even if she is in a lot of pain because of it.

Grandpa didn't fare so well. He has lost a number of teeth from hitting his mouth off the steering wheel and has a number of cuts on his face. They had to wait for a plastic surgeon to sew him back up. He also broke a number of ribs, his collar bone and a vertebrae in his back. They have him in the ICU right now to keep an eye on him, but he is stable. The doctor taking care of him has said they are going to take it one day at a time with him. So that means we won't know when he will be able to come home.

In terms of the accident, from what we were told, Grandpa lost control of the car and hit the guard rail on the highway and was bounced across the highway onto the shoulder. No one else was involved and I guess a guy stopped when he saw the accident happen and told the police that Grandpa was going the speed limit, so we aren't totally sure how or why he lost control. Grandpa was ticketed for NOT wearing his seat belt.

As of now, no one is really sure what is going on. We don't know if Mom and Dad will come home tomorrow or if Mom will want to stay with Grandma and Grandpa until they can come home. We don't know if my aunt's are going to head over to be with them or what. We are just waiting to hear what they need us to do next. Thank God they are okay!

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