Monday, May 25, 2009

Patiently Waiting

Baby Feyen has 9 more days to decide that she is tired of her cramped quarters! However, her mother and father would prefer she not wait that long to make up her mind. This waiting patiently for her to come is by far the HARDEST part of being pregnant.

All of us are so excited to see, hold, and snuggle this little one! We all can't wait to see what traits she got from Jon and which ones she got from me. We can't wait to be able to use all the wonderful baby items and clothes we have received over the past 9 months. We are ready for the next step!

This past week my ankles and feet have become very swollen, swollen to the point they hurt a lot. My hands and my face have also swelled some. However!! I'm grateful this JUST happened this close to the end and not weeks earlier. I do have to laugh, though, my ankles are the size of Jon's. On Jon, his ankles look normal, on me, it looks like I have no ankle. My doctor did check them out when I was there last and said they look "normal." He also informed me they will get worse right after I have the baby before they get better. Hopefully they will be better before we head to Michigan!

Jon and I have decided that Tuesday, tomorrow, is going to be my last day of work. It's getting to be to much and there isn't much I can do at work any longer. Plus we decided this would be best for my supervisor so he has plenty of time to fill my position instead of calling him one day and saying I'm not coming because I'm in labor, good luck finding someone to cover! I'm grateful to be finished on Tuesday.

Well hopefully my next post will be to let everyone know that the little one is here along with some pictures of her! We shall see what she decides, but as of now, she is taking after her father in size, so my guess is she is going to be stubborn just like him too and wait until the last possible second to come! We shall see!!

Enjoy your holiday!

Much Love!

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