Saturday, July 5, 2008

All in God's Timing

Jon and I have always known that God is in charge of our lives. Sometimes we don't understand just why God has put us in certain situations, but we always figure that He knows what is best for us and that we have to learn from each experience.

Our move to DeMotte/Wheatfield was definitely God's plan for us back in January. Everything with the move seemed to fall into place, we met some wonderful people and found a wonderful church. Jon had found a great job and I found a fun job a month ago.

As of yesterday, things have changed. We are not sure things are going to work out here. Jon's job is not going well. He has put in 200% into that job and it never seems to be enough for his boss. He runs him down on a consistent basis and Jon and I never have time to ourselves because of his bosses OCD about things at the greenhouse. I've told Jon repeatedly that his boss is not going to ruin our marriage like he ruined his own!! I realize that is a harsh thing to say, but it's true. Jon and I care too much for one another to let a job ruin what we have together. Jon and I both agree that the job comes third in our lives.

So after much frustration by Jon and stressing by me, we have decided that it is time for Jon to look for a new job. Mind you, this decision did not come easily for us. We aren't exactly excited to move again and lose money on a house again, but we feel this is what we need to do for our family unless some major miracle happens with Jon's boss and things change in the next months. I would like to say they will, but us, family, and friends have been praying for the situation and nothing has changed. I'm not saying God isn't listening, I know he is, but I think he has bigger and better plans for us and that this stop in Indiana was just a stepping stone leading us to something else.

This stop in Indiana has been a blessing for both of us. For Jon, he now has great experience growing annuals. This will only add to is knowledge and make him a much more flexible grower. Jon has realized that not living near your family is not the end of the world. They still visit and will visit no matter where we are. He has learned that our family, him and me, come first and that we must do what is best for our future, not what keeps us close to his family. It's nice to be near family, but that doesn't pay the bills and Jon has a VERY specific degree, so we must go where the jobs are if we want to make some money so we can start a family. Jon has also become much more independent since we have been on our own and I couldn't be prouder of him.

I had a more difficult time when we moved here. I had to get used to small town living. It was definitely a culture shock. I have adjusted mostly. I still miss "city" life. Now that I have a job, I'm happier. I can get out of the house for a little and I'm not stressing so much over money. This move has drawn Jon and I much closer and I have a greater appreciation for all that he does. I've also learned through this move to give all my worries and stresses up to God and then to stop worrying and stressing that He will take care of what we need.

It wasn't until a few days ago that I finally understood why I haven't gotten pregnant yet. It's not because we can' least I'm pretty sure that's not's because the timing is all wrong. God knows we want a baby, but He also knew we would probably be moving again. Not the best idea to be pregnant and stressed or have a newborn and be moving. God's timing is so good even if we don't understand right way.

Well, with that said, I must end this post as I have things to accomplish. We go on vacation in exactly a week and we both are thrilled to get away for a while and see my family. I will definitely keep everyone posted on what is occurring with the job situation and potential move. Please keep Jon and I in your prayers as we make some big decisions about our future and deal with the stress of being home owners and being stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. We love you all. Thank you!

1 comment:

Brian and Beth Ponstein said...

We'll be praying for you guys. Let us know how things progress. Hope you have a great time on vacation!