Thursday, July 31, 2008

Moving Along

Still no news about the job search. It will still be a little before we hear anything with the Norfolk job and we haven't heard back from Jon's Dad about the tax assessor job. We are still searching the horticultural websites for something that looks interesting and is either in the midwest or on the east coast. No luck just yet. If we wanted to move to California or Washington we would be golden! However, I don't want to raise my children in California and both states are EXTREMELY expensive. We will just have to wait an see.

On another note, I got a raise at work! Hahah...minimum wage went up in Indiana, so now I make more. It sucks making minimum wage. I am totally wasting my Calvin degree, but it works for now. When we move, I'll try to find something again that suits my degree or at least pays me what I am worth.

Jon and I are still working away on getting things ready to put our house on the market by the first of Sept. I can't wait to get it on the market and I can't wait to have it sold. That will take a HUGE weight off our shoulders. However, I'm not excited to pack up our entire house again. I'm ready to just be settled already!!!

Well that is all for now. Thanks for visiting!

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