Thursday, February 19, 2009


This morning we awoke to snow. This is the most snow I have ever seen living in Pittsburgh during the winters. Needless to say, I'm tired of the white stuff.

Last night I found out that I for sure am getting the Monday thru Friday 2nd shift position. I'm very happy about that. It means I have a real weekend. It will also be nice once the little one is here because we can have family day on Saturdays. I can't wait!! My supervisor just has to give me a start date. Yahoo!

Baby is doing well. She kicks like crazy through out the day. I have another doctors appointment a week from today. I'm getting so excited for her to come. My friends are all delivering their little ones and it just makes me more and more excited for the big day. It's amazing how Jon and I went from "What are we going to do? We aren't ready for a baby!" to "When will she get here! We can't wait!"

Jon is doing very well in school. It's amazing how much he is enjoying it and how smart he is. I always knew he was smart, but to see him get A's on Accounting and Math exams just blows my mind! I'm a very proud wifey!

Well sorry about how long it has taken me to update the blog. Hope this updates everyone!


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