Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Shift Change and Baby Crib

Yesterday my supervisor finally gave me a start date for my shift change. On March 9th I will begin working Monday through Friday 3-11pm. I'm so excited! It will be great to actually have Saturday off. It's going to be great with the baby.

Speaking of baby, Jon has taken on the task of refinishing the crib. The crib we are using happens to be my crib from when I was a baby. It works great and fits the guidelines, however, because it has been in the attic all these years, the finish is coming off or is completely off in places. He is going to sand it all down and stain it. We are going to stain it a darker color than what it used to be. I'll try to get pictures up of the crib when I have a little more time. I actually have to leave for work in 5 minutes. :)

Well that is my quick little update. Hopefully Jon has plenty of time to do both the crib and his school work.


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