Friday, March 6, 2009

This and That

The weather in Pittsburgh has been beautiful lately! Sure it's been freezing on some of those sunny days, but the sun makes things seem so much nicer! Yesterday the temperature reached 58 I believe and it only dropped to 52 over night! It feels like Spring and yet I know we will probably get more cold weather and possibly snow before it offically becomes Spring and the nice weather is here to stay!

Luckily the weather is nice today because my brother and Kelly are packing up their apartment and moving to Georgia. My parents are headed up to Indiana to help them load the truck and get the last of the stuff packed. Jon and I are unable to go because of work and school. They were originally supposed to move this past weekend, but things got changed around due to Dave's schedule which stunk for Jon and I because we could have helped last weekend, but it works out better for Dave and Kelly this weekend, so that's all that matters.

Today I'm going to try and get my PA driver's license. I was going to do it yesterday but I spent the morning stressing out that I couldn't find my social security card, which I did eventually find, and then once I got to the DMV I realized I didn't have my check book! I decided that it wasn't meant to happen yesterday! I need to get my PA driver's license before I can transfer my title, register my car for a new plate, and get my car inspected. It's such a process and I seem to do this process every year! Jon and I have to stop moving! LOL!

My parents are leaving for an eight day trip to Israel this Sunday with a group from their church. Jon and I are very much excited for them to go on this trip. We are looking forward to having the house to ourselves, but we also know they are going to LOVE the trip and we can't wait for them to return with their pictures and stories. While they are away, Jon's mom and sister are coming to visit for a day and a half.

As Jon's spring break begins at 2:00 this afternoon, he has big plans to finish up the crib this coming week. Hopefully all goes smoothly for him and it turns out the way he was hoping. I'm glad he knows what he is doing because I'm sure lost! The crib should look great once it's finished!

Well that's about all that is occurring in this neck of the woods. I begin working Monday thru Friday this Monday, which means I only have one day off this week instead of two, but that's okay I'm looking forward to having a REAL weekend and starting an hour later. Baby and I are doing well. Well that's all!


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