Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Crib Finished

The crib is finally finished!

Jon and I finally got all the painting done and have put it together! The crib even has a brand new mattress thanks to my parents! It looks great in the "nursery" and it turned out really good actually.

My mom and I went shopping yesterday and bought material to make a bumper pad. It's going to be SUPER cute! I can't wait to get started on it. I'm so ready to put the bed together, but just in case baby ends up being a boy we aren't opening any sheets just yet. Plus, we don't want it to collect dust. However, when it's all said and done it will be really cute!

I'll put pictures up once we get the crib more together.

Only 9 more weeks until baby is due!!! I can't believe I am finally in single digits! Some of my nerves are starting to creep in once in a while, but over all I'm just excited to meet the little one that kicks me on a continual basis! :)

In other news.....come to think of it, there really isn't other news to report. Jon has about a month left of school before he has a few weeks off. Then Jon starts his summer courses. We finally laid out all his classes on the calendar and it looks like, while he will have a busy summer, his schedule isn't all that bad. My parents are going to have to babysit for the whole month of July and once a week in June, but it will all work out. He is looking forward to new classes.

That's about all the updates for now.


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